Tuesday, July 26, 2011

API and Event available in AgilePoint Express Edition


There are API and Event available in AgilePoint Express Edition.

It is about human task. In the real scenario/real world, when the task is assigned to someone, it does not mean assignee will start to work on the assignment immediately. AgilePoint captures the date assigned and date completed, but it does not keep the timestamp that assignee actually starts to work on the task.


In this enhancement, AgilePoint provides a new API ActivateWorkItem(workItemID, bool activate, string clientData) so, application can make web service call of this function to mark user starts working on the work. In some case, it could be captured when user open the form or other ways, for example, a button on the form because user might want to check the form first and then decide to start working immediately. If user regret, application can call same web service call and activate=false, which will deactivate the work item. Behind scene, when work item gets activated, the table WF_MANUAL_WORKITEMS.ACTIVATED_DATE will be set for activation, otherwise it will be reset if it is deactivated. Beside web service API, service API is also available.

EVENT for AgileWork and AgileExtender

ActivateWorkItem call would fire an event of ‘ActivateWorkItem’, currently AgileWork and AgileExtender is able to capture the event and take certain action.

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